
Your Faith Journey

All of us are on a journey of faith in our lives. At Faith Lutheran in Okemos, Michigan we bring people one a journey of faith each week and share that journey with the world.
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Your Faith Journey










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Now displaying: September, 2021
Sep 26, 2021

One of the things I just love about scripture is that the stories we read and hear are truly our stories.  They are about us and tell us so much about our identity as human beings.  And, today’s reading is so very enlightening. 

In our first reading from Numbers, we find that Moses is truly overwhelmed and weary as he tries to lead this throng of Israelites through the desert.  And, as he complains to God about his heavy workload, we find that God is sympathetic to Moses.  God graciously responds with a proposal that will take some of the burden off Moses by having others share the load.  Wow!  What a concept!  Well, this is a great idea, but when God takes some of the spirit that was on Moses and places it on seventy chosen elders, some of that spirit spills over on two other men, Eldad and Medad.  Then, when these two other men begin to prophesy – oh my! Envy, self-ambition, and jealousy break out among Joshua and the rest of the seventy because these other two men were not part of that chosen inner circle of seventy.  And, what is so fascinating is that, rather than stop these two other men, Moses says with certainty that he wishes all God’s people would be filled with such a spirit. 

Then, in today’s Gospel reading, we hear a story that is very similar.  John comes rushing up to Jesus in a panic, all out of breath.  He proclaims, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name and we tried to stop him – because he’s not one of us.”   Again, oh my!   Eldad, Medad, John and the other disciples are so much like us!  People are in crisis, there is so much to be done and help is needed.  Yet, when help comes, people complain because the help is not “the right help!”  You know – they are not people we know and trust; they are not properly authorized, credentialed people who look and act like us.  You see, the problem is that the Spirit has broken out and now it cannot be controlled!  Those in the “inner circle,” the “club,” or the “clique,” are put out because someone outside that circle is also able to use God’s gifts, and that person is using them without the “proper” credentials. 

The writer of Mark’s gospel tells us the disciples are upset because this other guy who isn’t one of the twelve is casting out demons, they can’t control him, and he must be stopped. So, Jesus, never one to be impressed with titles or credentials, says in effect, “Look, leave him alone, we need all the help we can get.  I don’t care if he is a part of our little group or not. Look at what he is doing, not at the color of his skin, the language he is speaking, his sexual preference, or his politics.  Is he doing good?  Is he living a kind, helpful life of love?  That’s all I want.  We need more people like that. Whoever is not against me is for me.  If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally.”  Jesus then talks about stumbling blocks and, in a manner of speaking, tells the disciples and each one of us to look at the stumbling blocks we place in front of ourselves and others.  He is telling us to look at the perverse pleasure we take in excluding people who live, believe, worship, serve, and practice their faith differently than we do.  Look at how smug and superior we often feel when our brothers and sisters fail.  Look at how insecure and tenuous our own faith must be, if its survival depends on our dismantling someone else’s.

In this present age, Jesus’ response is very helpful because if ever the Church needs more Eldads and Medads and outsiders, it is now!  Quite honestly, those of us clinging to “the way things have always been done,” and those who cling to rules and rubrics that exclude regarding worship leadership, or any other aspect of church and ministry, are killing the Church.  We have far too often become the stumbling block of which Jesus speaks.  Far too often, we tend to think that whoever is not for us is against us.  It is so much easier that way.  Far too often, we smugly think “I am not like one of them.”  We so readily draw circles around ourselves and others so we can better distinguish ourselves versus all others and thereby justify who we are and who we are not.  You know, I am not one of those Republicans or I am not one of those Democrats.  I am not one of those conservatives or I am not one of those liberals.  I am not one of those Baptists, or one of those Episcopalians, or one of those Catholics, or one of those fundamentalists, or one of those Muslims.  I am not one of those whom I believe is not saved.  Oh, yes, we do draw our circles.  But, we really should understand that wherever we draw that circle, Jesus is going to be standing outside the circle with a great number of people who we might well think are not for Jesus at all.

          Quite frankly, at the heart of our human struggle, as we live in relationship to others, is our need to define ourselves as who we are not.  And, keeping categories of “them” and “us” means we do not have to leave what is familiar and comfortable, we do not have to go to a place that is scary.  As we think about our life in this present culture, life that is bursting at the seams with division, differences, and even hatred as we place people in categories of us versus them, the many problems we face are so complex.  However, the starting point as we work for healing means going beyond our circles, moving beyond the categories of “us” and “them.”   These categories are truly stumbling blocks. The starting point is that place where we begin entering into relationship with others, loving others as they are, and living in such a way that we truly care for our neighbors.

          So, I ask you this.  What would it be like if the children of God truly helped each other succeed?  Just imagine what it would be like if Pentecostal Christians began removing the stumbling blocks for the liturgical Christians, and Lutherans began removing stumbling blocks for charismatic Christians, and Christians began removing the stumbling blocks for Muslims. Just imagine what it would be like if liberals began clearing paths for the conservatives and conservatives began clearing paths for liberals, and the difference that would make in people’s daily lives.  Just imagine what the world would be like if the insiders befriended the outsiders.  Just what would happen if we expanded the circle, lengthened the table, and decided to simply feast together?  We would be path clearers and stumbling block removers!  We would be healers and exorcists and no little one would ever lose her way again because of us.

          Living in relationship with all types of people we would consider “other” was a constant starting point for Jesus.  When the disciples came complaining about this “other” person casting out evil spirits in Jesus’ name, Jesus said, “Don’t stop them!  Whoever is not against us is for us.”  You see, for Christians, the starting point is never about who we are not.  It is always about who we are, and who we are is the baptized, broken, but graciously and abundantly loved body of Christ.  There is no need to justify who we are because we have been named and claimed by a God of love.  We have been given a place, a status, and a home within that gracious, unending, all-encompassing love of God.  And, the Jesus we know died not only for us but for the entire world.  We have already been raised to new life that is not simply about us but life for the entire world.  And, in that love there is no distinction, no “us” and no “them.”  So, I say, “Gracious God, break into our lives.  Bring into our lives those we consider ‘other.’  Bring others into our lives and take us into the lives of others.  Help us to let go of our fear and move beyond our self-imposed circles and categories.”  Yes, this will take us to places where we will feel uncomfortable and unsettled.  And, this will take us to places that will likely make life messier than we might like because we will have to give up our need to control.  But, it is truly the deeper place where we will find all are embraced and held in God’s love.     

Sep 19, 2021

This is a special musical presentation of 10,000 Reasons sung by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir.

Sep 19, 2021

St. Thomas Aquinas once said, “Fear is such a powerful emotion for humans that when we allow it to take over within us, it drives compassion right out of our hearts.”  Change, transition, uncertainty, chaos and earth-shattering news all create within us a sense of fear.  Fear has plagued our culture and the world throughout this pandemic, and we have seen how it drives compassion right out of people’s hearts.  So, it is fitting that today’s gospel reading helps us look at this very human emotion. 

In today’s gospel passage, Jesus continues to teach the twelve about discipleship.  He again gives them earth-shattering, mind-blowing information, and they are bewildered and afraid!  Today, we hear Jesus again tell the disciples he is going to be killed.  It is the second time he tells them he will soon be betrayed, murdered, and after three days rise from the dead!  Jesus’ words are so explosive the disciples simply cannot wrap their minds around what he says.  They cannot comprehend this news and they are afraid.

Throughout the gospel of Mark, the disciples are portrayed as a motley group of knuckleheads who just don’t get it and, in today’s reading, they again live up to their reputation.  You see, they are still thinking Jesus will be the one who will provide the Jewish people political deliverance from Rome.  The prospect of Jesus being killed simply does not compute.  This Jesus whom they believe is the promised Messiah is telling them that redemption of Israel will take place through suffering!  Who could possibly imagine that?  How could anyone believe that an all-powerful God would conquer enemies and provide deliverance through suffering and death?

The disciples are bewildered. So, what do they do?  Well, at first they stay silent and they do not ask Jesus to clarify what he is saying.  They do not ask Jesus to answer the many questions swirling about in their confused minds.  No.  Why do they not ask?  Mark simply says it is because they were afraid.  And, we are left to wonder, why are they afraid?  Do they fear they might appear to be confused?   Do they fear they might appear uninformed, clueless, or stupid, yet again?  Do they fear they might appear unfaithful?  Or, do they fear they might get answers they do not want to hear and are not ready to hear?

The disciples’ failure to understand and ask questions seems rather annoying.  But, how often do we act in precisely the same manner?  How often are we afraid to ask a question because we think we should already know the answer?  How often are we simply afraid to show our ignorance?  In a world where we work so hard, striving to succeed, how can we possibly let ourselves appear so vulnerable?  And, how often are we possibly afraid of the answer we will get?  Are we afraid of being a follower and living the truth of Jesus’ passion?  As a congregation, what are our fears as a community of faith?  Do we fear the decisions we make may cause us to lose members?  Or, do we fail to make decisions because we fear the development of conflict?  As we look at another calendar year, and the beginning of our annual stewardship drive, does our anxiety create a fear that we will not make the budget? 

Quite frankly, fear is the opposite of faith.  Fear has the power to paralyze us, to distort our thinking and drive us into despair.  As we think about the disciples’ fear, it is interesting to note their reaction.  Rather than asking questions and facing their fears, they are first silent, then they begin to argue.  And, what is so very interesting is that they are not even arguing about what Jesus said.  They begin to fight about which one of them is the greatest! 

Again, the disciples are not much different from each one of us.  How often have we seen this happen in the church, within our own communities and even within our own families?  Some incident, event, experience, or person upsets the system.  Then, fear raises its ugly head.  Dr. Emlyn Ott, one of my seminary professors who teaches classes on congregational leadership from the perspective of systems theory, always says that when a system, whether it is a family system, a congregational system, or any kind of system gets challenged in some way, the knee-jerk reaction from those within the system is fight or flight.  People start to argue, or they flee and disconnect.   And, we see the disciples reacting as Dr. Ott would predict.  Challenged by Jesus’ words, they start to fight, to argue.

Yes, the disciples are so much like us.  Or, rather, we are so much like the disciples.   When Jesus asks the disciples what they are arguing about, again, there is silence, and it is deafening.  And, I think most of us can relate to such a silence.  Anyway, Jesus knows what they have been fighting about.  So, he again teaches them about discipleship saying, “So you want first place?  So, you want to be at the top?  Then, take the last place.  Be servant of all.”  To help them understand, he places a curious, vulnerable child in their midst.  Now, to understand what is really happening here, we must understand that children were thought of very differently in this ancient culture than they are in our culture.  Nadia Boz Weber succinctly articulates the difference between the way children were regarded then as opposed to the manner in which we treat our children today.  She says:

These children didn’t exactly take bubble baths every night before being tucked into their Sesame Street bed sheets and read Goodnight Moon.  There was no sentimentality about childhood because childhood was actually a time of terror.  Children in those days only really had value as replacement adults but until then they were more like mongrel dogs than they were beloved members of a family.  And they weren’t even really housebroken.  They just kind of leaked everywhere and they died like, all the time.  Children were dirty and useless and often unwanted and to teach his disciples about greatness and hospitality, Jesus puts not a chubby-faced angel, but THIS kind of child in the center, folds THIS kind of child into his arms and says when you welcome the likes of THIS child you welcome me.

In a culture where children were of no consequence, given no value and considered socially invisible, Jesus cradles a dirty, smelly, rejected little child in his arms and says, “Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me – God who sent me.”

Wow!   What a lesson in discipleship!  Not only has Jesus hit the disciples with earth-shattering news, he again turns their thinking, and ours, inside out and upside down. 

My friends, fear has the power to blind us to what God is doing here among us as we live together in community.  Fear has the power to blind us to what God is up to in this world.  Fear has the power to blind us from recognizing God’s kingdom at work as it is breaking in upon us.  Fear has the power to blind us from recognizing those we consider “other” as children of God.  Fear prevents us from seeing Jesus in a different way and that is challenging because, if we see Jesus in a different way, we begin to see each other in a different way.  And, you can count on the fact that when Jesus breaks into our lives with overwhelming grace he is always going to challenge us, challenge our assumptions, change our world and change us as we are called to travel and move more deeply into a life of discipleship.

Jesus continues to teach what real discipleship is all about by telling us that greatness in the kingdom of God means becoming a servant.  And, oh my, in doing so he turns our thinking and understanding of success upside down!  Discipleship means taking the last place and not being on top.  It is so hard to do this because we want to be in control and we are so fearful of letting go and letting God take control.  Jesus says that discipleship Jesus’ style means welcoming the child, welcoming those who are socially invisible, welcoming those whom the rest of society excludes, and welcoming those the world does not value, those whom we tend to fear.  Discipleship, Jesus’ style, means welcoming those who do nothing but are simply welcomed and embraced.  In reality, the vulnerable, dirty child who fearlessly comes with questions is where discipleship begins.  The truth of the matter is, discipleship begins as we become the vulnerable child on Jesus’ lap.

Sep 12, 2021

This is a special musical presentation of Precious Jesus sung by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir.

Sep 12, 2021

This pandemic has presented anyone in a leadership position with multiple challenges that were unforeseen. There’s no “playbook” for leadership when the stakes are high, and there’s certainly no playbook for what to do in the face of a 21st Century pandemic.  Many of you are leaders in your profession and you have no doubt discovered these challenges.

As we look at the various leadership positions many of you hold in the world of education, the world of business, or the life of the church, I know good leadership is something all of us highly value within our community and our culture.  We work hard to develop leadership abilities within our kids because we want them to be leaders. We need good leaders in every aspect of society.  We give awards to people who demonstrate strong leadership ability.  Higher education is a place where we intently focus on developing leaders.  However, the obscure, unspoken message communicated by this emphasis on leadership is that being a follower is for losers.  We do not often encourage our children to be followers.  We do not give out awards for being followers.  As a matter of fact, in today’s culture the only place where one is really encouraged to be a follower is probably on Twitter!  And, if we really take an honest look at our inability to follow public health guidelines during this pandemic, we discover how challenged we are to be followers, even if people’s lives literally depend on it. Yet, followership is the other side of leadership.

Well, Jesus’ words to us today cut right through our perceptions of leadership and followership as we hear him teach about the kind of leadership he calls for and especially what it means to follow.  And I have to say, his words are rather hard to hear.  The question of “Who is willing to follow Jesus Christ?” is really THE big defining question of Christianity, and Jesus places it front and center as we hear today’s gospel reading.

Today, Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In response, impetuous Peter gets all excited and professes that Jesus is indeed the long-promised Messiah.  Jesus then begins to explain things to his disciples saying, “It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the elders, high priests, and religion scholars, be killed, and after three days rise up alive.”  As soon as Peter hears this, he immediately backs away and rebukes Jesus.  Jesus’ words shatter the glamor of following this long-expected Messiah.  This is certainly not the kind of life Peter wants to undertake.  While Jesus seems to be the Messiah, the Jewish people had never expected a leader who must suffer and die.  That was simply ludicrous and irrational.  Who in their right mind chooses to “proceed to an ordeal of suffering” as Jesus says he is doing?  And, who in their right mind wants to follow a leader who is on his way to die? 

Lest we judge Peter too quickly, we need to take a serious look at ourselves.  Most of us choose religion and come to believe important things deeply because we feel they are good for us.  And, we like to participate in a religion that makes us feel good.  We like a faith that fits our comfortable, recreational lifestyles but does not demand too much from us.  We want to follow a strong God who “heals our illnesses, provides ample prosperity, guarantees security, urges our sports teams onto victory, and generally keeps us happy, healthy and wise.”  (David Lose)

However, the things of God involve an honest confrontation with pain and the suffering of the world.  The things of God always involve love and when you truly love, there will be pain and suffering.  Suffering is not appealing.  If anyone of us is offered a life of suffering versus a life free from suffering, you can be your bottom dollar we are going to go for the one that is pain free!  Yet, this is where we must get very honest about the Christian life.  Christianity is not about living an easier life or believing in a God we can turn to as our personal Santa Claus to help solve life’s problems and give us all we want.  Quite frankly, following Jesus is often going to make our lives more complicated and challenging.  Following Jesus does bring a certain amount of suffering because it requires that we truly love others.  Following Jesus demands we care for the common good, it demands we love and care for others as we love ourselves!  It requires that we let go of self, and it’s really hard to let go of the self.  We cannot escape this reality as we live through this pandemic, as we face the pain and as we love others.  And, as my dear friend, Bill Uetricht says:

The things of God involve an honest confrontation with pain.  The things of God involve recognizing that not everybody is going to like you, that indeed you might be rejected, that love sometimes will take you to the hard places.  The mission and ministry of love is not easy.


Quaker theologian and philosopher, Elton Trueblood, clearly understood this when he wrote, “In many areas, the gospel, instead of taking away people’s burdens, actually adds to them.  Occasionally we talk of our Christianity as something that solves problems, and there is a sense in which it does.  Long before it does so, however, it increases both the number and the intensity of problems.” 

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus continues to teach his disciples about what following him is really going to mean.  He says, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat, I am.  Don’t run from suffering, embrace it.  If any of you want to follow me, you must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me. Follow me and I’ll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self.  What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?  What could you ever trade your soul for?” 

The point at which Jesus says this to his disciples is a pivot point in Mark’s telling of the Jesus story.  From this point on in Mark’s gospel, Jesus begins to show us how to die.  We have been given life and Jesus now demonstrates how we are to give it up, give it away, truly let go of self.  I think for most of us, this is an idea that runs counter to all that we want to believe.  It really does seem irrational.  This was not what Peter wanted to hear and it is not what we want to hear.  Yet, Jesus makes it absolutely clear that God does not care about giving us all of the things that make for creature comforts.  What God does care about are matters of the heart.  Jesus makes it clear that if you want to have meaningful life that truly matters, you are going to have to hand over your petty obsessions, your mistaken priorities, and yes, this malignant focus on individualism that is permeating our culture.  You are going to have to think more about loving than being loved, more about working to understand than being understood, and more about forgiving than being forgiven. 

The life that has been packaged and sold to us in this culture is not real life and we need to die to those illusions if we want to live into the abundant life God wants for us.  But the things of God are not something we can buy or earn.  Like love and grace, the things of God, the very life of God, are all gift and can only be given away.  Only when you give your life away for the sake of others do you really discover it.

 As Jesus begins his relentless march to the cross, he challenges each one of us to follow.  Today, Isaac Webb makes affirmation of his faith in Christ and recommits himself as a follower of Jesus.  Today, we as a community of Faith, celebrate sixty-five years of being a presence in this community, sixty-five years of being a community that follows the way of Christ, the way of the cross.  Today, we recommit ourselves to continue to be the kind of presence and witness in this world that truly cares for others and loves others as we love ourselves, taking and bearing Christ’s creative and redeeming Word into this greater community.  As we live into our sixty-sixth year of life together in this place, it is time to follow.  It is time to follow the leader who will gift us with life that truly matters.  And, the paradox is that when we follow this one called Jesus, the one who leads us to the cross, it is in that place where we find out what true leadership is really all about.

Sep 5, 2021

This is a special musical presentation of Sing Out To God sung by the Faith Lutheran Chancel Choir.

Sep 5, 2021

It is good to be back with you. I am deeply grateful for the time I spent away.  It was wonderful to let go of all the clutter in life and the clutter in my head.  It was refreshing to let go of work and deadlines, and just play with my grandson.  It was life-giving to spend priceless time with him, my son and daughter-in-law, and simply enjoy being while taking in the beauty of creation.  Time like that makes my imagination and creativity really bubble and thrive.

This morning, I would like to ask you to use your imaginations as we try a little exercise.  To begin, I ask you to sit back, close your eyes and let go of the clutter of thoughts that are likely present in each of your heads.  With your eyes still closed, let you’re your imagination start working and begin to picture Jesus.  Take a few seconds to think about the image of Jesus you are seeing in your mind’s eye.  Note what he looks like and what you see him doing.  Now, open your eyes and I am going to ask you a few questions.

In your imagined picture of Jesus…..

  • Does he have a full beard or is he beardless?
  • Is he calm, serene, pleasant, and peaceful?
  • Is he wearing a white garment?
  • Is he surrounded by children, maybe holding one on his lap?
  • Is he smiling?
  • Are his arms stretched out in welcome?
  • Is he performing some sort of miracle or offering food to the hungry?


Now, be very honest with yourself.  Did you respond with a “yes” to many of these questions?  The truth of the matter is that, for most of us, our image of Jesus was shaped by stories we learned in childhood and the pictures we have seen, pictures that were often used in children’s Bibles.  And, quite frankly, most of those pictures depict a calm, happy, inviting, white, northern European Jesus.  However, if we take an honest look at the gospels, we often see a very different picture of Jesus.  First, he was not white and northern European.  And, in all the Gospels, we find stories where Jesus displays very human, even unlikable, characteristics.  There are times when he really seems annoyed with the stupidity of the disciples, and other times when he seems truly overwhelmed by the burden he is bearing.  There are stories where Jesus is reclusive, grumpy, and even sarcastic.  And, today, we get one of those stories.

In the chapters preceding today’s story, Jesus has been performing miracles.  He has fed the 5,000, and he has walked on water.  He has been healing the sick and demon-possessed, and there is no doubt he is seeking some much-needed rest.  So today, as he seeks respite, we find him heading into the region of Tyre and Sidon, a land that is Gentile, pagan territory.  While there, he is noticed and approached by a Syrophoenician, Greek woman whose daughter has an unclean spirit.  She begs him to cure her daughter.  And, Jesus replies, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.”

Whoa!!  Jesus rebuffs this woman and dismisses her with a blatant, ethnic slur.  You see, during Biblical times, the word “dog” was commonly used as a derogatory insult.  And, the Gentiles were so despised and considered so unclean, the Jewish people referred to them as “dogs.”   Anyway, Jesus’ response to this foreign woman does not stop there.  He also makes it clear that his own people, the Jews, should be fed first.  He is saying, it isn’t right to take food that is meant for the Jews and give it to dogs, the Gentiles. 

I have to say, this is probably not the image of Jesus we usually conjure up in our minds.  As theologian, David Lose, suggests:

We want to think of Jesus as full-bodied, perfect, and immutable from birth, kind of like Athena springing full-grown from the head of Zeus.  But if we are to take Mark’s narrative seriously, never mind the incarnational and creedal affirmation that Jesus is fully human as well as fully divine, then perhaps we should not be surprised to see a development in Jesus’ own recognition of God’s vision for the world.  After all, the profoundly expansive notion of a kingdom that included everyone – no exceptions! – was completely and totally novel.  And, truthfully, it still is!


Well, what is so amazing about this story is that this woman does not back down.  She does not become defensive and, instead of being offended or discouraged, she presses on.  She has a sick daughter, and she wants healing for her daughter.  So, this culturally unconventional woman who is breaking all kinds of rules by coming to Jesus in the first place, uses Jesus’ own words against him and bests him in the argument saying, “Fine, you can call me a dog, but even dogs get crumbs that fall from the table.” 

The truth of the matter is, this Gentile woman teaches Jesus, a Jewish man, the true meaning of what he has just reminded his own followers in the verses prior to this.  If you remember last week’s reading, Jesus had reprimanded the Pharisees saying their social conventions, the purity codes, rules that had become religious ritual, were not what is important.  What’s important is the stuff that comes out of the human heart.  It is the stuff that comes from the heart that can either pollute and destroy relationships or compassionately build community. 

Well, today, this Gentile woman, a woman the Jewish people considered unclean, insists that social conventions should not stand in the way of compassion and helping those in need.  And, as this courageous, prophetic, Syrophoenician woman confronts Jesus, he has a “conversion” experience.  This woman of great faith changes Jesus and opens him up for ministry to the Gentiles. Impressed by the woman’s courage and faith, Jesus responds saying, “You’re right!  On your way. Your daughter is no longer disturbed.  The demonic affliction is gone.” (The Message)

This Gentile woman crosses the Jewish/Gentile boundary, a barrier established by human beings, a barrier created to separate and discriminate.  The barrier that had been created to divide people into categories of “us” and “them” has been called into question.  This foreign woman draws for Jesus a bigger picture of who God is, and the good news that is embodied in Jesus now becomes good news that has the world as its focus.  Jesus actually receives strength from this woman whose faith changes him as he is forced to live into a broader understanding of his mission and ministry. 

The broadening of the heart and mind to include the “others” in life is one of the most difficult psychological maneuvers there is.  I find this to be a challenge we face each and every day.  Far too often, we want to build walls to keep the “others” out.  We work to exclude the “others” in our lives, whether it is within our family structures, our communities, or even within our nation.  And, we tend to project what we don’t like in ourselves on to the “other.”  We tend to see the “other” as less than us, not as fully human, sometimes not even as loved by God.  In today’s reading, it is a woman who is considered and labeled “other” who helps Jesus grasp that in God the barriers are broken down.  In God things are turned inside out and upside down.  In God, no human beings are labeled as “dogs,” only beloved childrenAll are considered God’s children.

Scripture really does paint a very different picture of Jesus than the one we so often conjure up in our minds.  Today, we see Jesus in his full humanity, vulnerable, and open to being changed.  And, it is in his full humanity that we discover what divinity is all about.  It is in Jesus’ full humanity that we discover the God whose loves and welcomes all!